Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.
Most High God and Almighty Father,
We thank you for being our shelter, refuge and fortress. You are our God and only in you we put our trust.
We praise you for your unceasing faithfulness which is our shield and bulwark as we navigate through this journey of life.
We thank you for covering us under your strong wings whenever we seek your refuge.
Father, in this world, there is so much to remain in fear about, be anxious, be terrorized by, but we thank you because nothing or no one can approach us without your sovereign will permitting so.
And even then, as we sang about “this body they may kill but God’s truth abideth still, and His kingdom is forever”. We praise you eternal King of kings for your truth shall prevail.
We pray Lord that our mortal lives now and in eternity, would be a banner declaring God’s goodness, mercy and grace.
Creator God, we remember and thank you for Eve, the Mother of all the living, on this Mother’s day.
We pray for all of the mothers represented in our Church membership.
We pray for those with young children at home, that you would help them be a godly role model in trusting and obeying God.
We pray for those with adult children married and unmarried, please help them to be godly counselors pointing their children to the Scriptures.
We pray for the grand mothers. Thank you for blessing them with a privilege to see their grandchildren. Please help them to cover each of their family members in their regular prayers.
I praise you and thank you for blessing Summit Woods with many godly spiritually mature women who have been modeling godliness and teaching those younger to them that the word of God might be honored through their conduct.
Father, so much undue and ungodly expectations have been put upon our young women in our society. Please help them to see through the fog.
Loving Father, please continue to give us intense hatred for any corruption brought about by sin.
Abba Father, even as you keep us in your love, please help us to remain in your love by growing in the understanding of the faith, by praying fervently in the Holy Spirit and by waiting eagerly for you to return and to grant us eternal mercy. As we wait, please help us to be reproducing true Christian disciples - generation after generation till you come.
24 Now to Him who is able to keep us from stumbling, and to make us stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, 25 to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.