Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.
We have been singing God’s truth to each other this morning. Let’s continue considering this same truth as we pray. Please join me in prayer.
Father God, we know as believers and as a church, we will go through various trials, distresses, sufferings, disappointments, and pains. Even as your children, we are not immune from these challenges, but instead the difficulties are foreseen in your word and should be anticipated. We should expect them. We should expect a battle. We should not be surprised of our need to wage war against the flesh. We will know pain. We will know disappointments. We will know darkness. But we also know you are an unchangeable, almighty God who walks with us. We know you are by our side and you will go before us. We know nothing surprises you or catches you off guard. We know you are our refuge, our defense, our strong shelter, and our mighty fortress. We know that you are for us. We know of your great faithfulness towards us. We know of your great love. We know that to be true. We know your refining hand is at work for our good and your glory. We know that to be true. Help us to remind each other of these truths. We know you use the body for this purpose. Help us to be faithful in this divine task to remind each other of your truth.
Father we also know that those who repent and believe have been shown your divine and unwarranted favor. We were once your enemies, we were children of wrath, children of the devil, but through faith in Christ and in Him alone, our sins are forgiven. Our rebellion, our willful sinning against a holy God has been forgiven. You see the righteousness of Christ instead of our dreadful sin. Believers are marked by conversion and transformation. We are no longer children of the devil but now we are adopted children of the King. The King of Kings. As we rehearse this truth, our response should be pure joy. Joy that is overwhelming. Joy that is obvious. Joy that that doesn’t fade. Joy that dominates, controls and rules our lives. Forgive us Father when we fail to have and display this kind of confident joy in you God. Forgive us when we complain. Forgive us when we whine or grumble when we should instead be trusting and joyful.
Father, as we rehearse these truths from scripture, comfort our souls. I pray that our souls are not just comforted but also humbled by this truth. May we not be boastful or proud. Indeed, you are for us, but we don’t earn that standing. We don’t earn you incomprehensible love. We in no way earn your favor. We don’t deserve your leading. We don’t merit your defense or your protection. Instead, We are sinners who are in desperate need of your grace and help. The only reason that you are for us is because of your gracious saving work in giving Christ, your Son, to free us from the bondage of sin. It is Your work that deserves praise, nothing that we contribute.
Father, help us to live in the truth we have been singing. Because of your amazing saving work, “neither height nor depth can separate us, hell and death cannot defeat us, for He who gave His Son to free us holds us in His love." Praise God for these truths!
Father, helps us be people who are convinced like Paul was “that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”. I pray we will be a people who confidently and joyfully walk in this truth this week for your glory, acclaim and renown. Thank you Father that you indeed are for us and your love for your children never waivers.