Elder's Prayer

Please find below the notes from the Elder's Prayer this past Sunday.

How often our words seem insufficient to highlight who you are and what you have done. Yet you’ve given us words to read that we might learn and understand who you are and given us words to speak that we might talk of you and your great deeds.

And when we consider your character and your works, we see more clearly our condition, our need, our dependence upon you.

Where are poor and needy, you are sufficient and wise. No one gives you direction, no one serves as your counselor. You need consult with no one nor do you need to receive understanding. You know what is justice and what is knowledge. All that we need, you can provide.

Where we are weak and wounded, you are strong and mighty. From the beginning, you are seated over all your creation. You stretched out the heavens, you created all the stars, calling each of them by name. Nothing in all creation is missing, nothing in all creation fails, apart from your will and your word.

Where we are weary and weighed down with our sin, you are gracious and loving. It is you who prepared the way for our Lord, you who sent salvation and mercy to your people. You who provided forgiveness of sin through the sacrifice of your son, it is you who fully saves us.

When we turn to you in repentance and faith, you forgive and save.

You are the everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, the god who saves.
