Men of the Word
Every Tuesday until December 17, 2024
6:00am – 7:30am
Summit Woods Baptist Church View Map
Coordinator: Bret Capranica
Our Tuesday morning men's training, Men of the Word, runs from February through December 2024, 6:00 am to 7:30 am. (Student Center). Teaching will be concentrated on Ecclesiology and will use the following resources:
- The Church, Mark Dever
- Church Membership, Jonathan Leeman
- Church Discipline, Jonathan Leeman
- Discipling, Mark Dever
- Church Elders, Jeramie Rinne
- Corporate Worship, Matt Merker
- Missions, Andy Johnson
- One Assembly, Jonathan Leeman
These sessions will focus on many of the facets of ecclesiology, from defining the church, understanding leadership, and basic philosophy of ministry within the context of a local church.
Men of the Word is open to any of the men in our church. Limited copies of the book we will use can be found in our resource room, or you can secure them online. Consider joining us as we learn to dig deeper into Scripture.